How Kuebix Helped H.C. Starck Save Money & Become a More Efficient Operation

H.C. Starck is a fabricator of refractory metals servicing the electronics and chemical processing industries. As a company, H.C. Starck has been around for about 125 years and felt that they knew how to efficiently manage their transportation operations without any help. 10 years ago, however, they decided to check out how Kuebix could save them money with their transportation management system (TMS). Since implementation, not only has H.C. Starck saved money, but their freight operations have become more efficient.
With the help of Kuebix TMS, H.C. Stark has averaged about 14% savings on freight costs annually. Those are the hard costs which can be calculated right away and have an obvious impact on the bottom line. The company has also expanded their use of Kuebix services beyond the traditional rating, booking and tracking of freight. Now, they also use Kuebix to have all of their suppliers ship inbound to them. H.C. Starck no longer needs to arrange inbound freight. Instead, their suppliers simply call Kuebix and inbound freight is shipped to their docks with the best available rate. With this service, H.C. Starck estimates that they have saved approximately half a person’s worth of labor.
H.C. Starck’s Logistics Manager, Mark Smolinsky, reports that Kuebix has made his job easier since the first day they got involved with Kuebix. He states that implementing Kuebix is not only a great way to save money, but that it has improved service to end customers as well.
See what Mark Smolinsky has to say about how Kuebix has helped H.C. Starck save money and become more efficient in the case study video below: