U.S. LTL Truckers Battle for Profits, Not Pallets
JOC 8/7/19
William B. Cassidy
One example of this evolution is the partnership between Estes Express Line, the largest privately-owned LTL carrier, and transportation management software provider Kuebix. Using Kuebix’s FleetMAX platform, Estes is able to act as a “fourth-party” logistics provider, matching space on brokered capacity with shipper customers’ freight, filling backhauls.
“If you’re a broker and you want to find assets, we’ll onboard you through Estes and you have access to those private fleets,” said Dan Clark, president of the Maynard, Massachusetts-based technology company. “The brokers and shippers can get access to additional capacity at a good rate, and truck fleets can offset empty miles, so we create value for all stakeholders.”
Estes also is expanding flatbed and dedicated services, acquiring the assets of Eastern Freightways and Carrier Industries, two subsidiaries of defunct LTL operator New England Motor Freight. “LTL is the mothership, but there are other areas where we can closely leverage our buying power, our technology, and our expertise,” said CEO Rob Estes.
Read the original article here: https://www.joc.com/trucking-logistics/ltl-trucking-logistics/us-ltl-truckers-battle-profits-not-pallets_20190807.html?destination=node/3613941